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Jak rozpoznać antyk i odróżnić go od imitacji?

Określenie tego czy mamy do czynienia z antycznym meblem, czy też nie, wymaga przeprowadzenia dokładnej analizy. Zwróć uwagę na szczegóły konstrukc...

Odnowienie antyków: jak przeprowadzić konserwację bez utraty wartości?

Odnowienie starych mebli może przywrócić im dawny blask, miejmy jednak na uwadze to, że źle wykonana renowacja może równie dobrze obniżyć ich warto...

Wiele odsłon stylu angielskiego

Styl angielski jest bardzo niejednorodny. Z jednej strony kojarzy nam się z klasyką. Z drugiej: kolonialnymi wpływami. Mogą pojawić się w nim inspi...

Antyki Koneserantique furniture world

Stylish interiors decorated in a thoughtful way create a unique atmosphere in the house, referring to the old artistic eras. Antiques give the interior elegance and a royal design, thus emphasizing individuality and a passion for classic accessories. Our online store specializes in selling original vintage furniture and decorative elements for apartments furnished in a timeless design. Our stationary antique store is located in Chorzów, but we supply our products throughout the country, thanks to which customers are from such areas as Katowice, Kraków, Warsaw, Gdańsk and the whole of Silesia. For orders over PLN 1500, we offer free antique transport throughout Poland.

Antique shop

Old furniture is very popular because it allows you to create tasteful and elegant interiors at home. They can also be combined with other additions in a contrasting style, weave a bit avant-garde into boring rooms. We sell antiques, antique furniture and other equipment such as antique porcelain. Our online store sells:

– furniture for the dining room, bedroom, living room and office,
– clocks,
– decoration,
– paintings,
– lighting.

The antiques offered are distinguished by their original design and timeless form, which you will not find in current collections of furniture stores. We also renovate furniture, restoring them to their former glory and protecting them so that - despite the passage of time - they look impressive. We offer antiques from a reliable source, available in rich designs in Baroque, Renaissance, eclectic and Biedermeier styles.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer, our antique store is constantly updated with new products, we are able to import any piece of furniture referring to the old style.